Founder's Desk

2 simple questions that will change your energy instantly

At my usual evening workout session in early January, while I was sweating it out with flutter kicks and crunching my abs quite hard, I shot a question at my trainer. Asking him how was the last year for him. After a small pause (and a shoulder shrug) he said it was okay, not good and not too bad. A few minutes later I asked him to list out 3 things that stood out for him in the last year. This could be in any area of his life – health, wealth, relationships, career, personal growth and so on.

Now his pause was a little longer, but he started to list the 3 things. First, he mentioned was self awareness – that he was capable of doing so much more with his life than running a hectic life in a night shift job. Second, it was an adventurous year in terms of giving up a cushy job of 13 years and roughing it out on his own as a personal trainer. He quit his call centre job to be a fitness coach! Third, (by now he looks more reflective, a small smile lights up his face) he said this gave him time to be with his two sons – picking them from tuitions and chatting with them, becoming party to all their daily conversations and the whole list of all that happened in their day – both his sons and him have been loving this time they are getting together, as a result of him quitting the night shift job.

A few crunches, jumping jacks and leg kicks later, I asked him the next question. What 3 things will need to happen in the new year, for you to call it an awesome one? This time his energy had completely shifted, it was one of hope and he was looking in the distance, thinking, smiling and telling me what he would like to make happen in the new year.

“Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it all into words is all that is necessary.” —Margaret Cousins

The first was to start his Youtube channel because he has so much content to share, that he really wants to go out there and make the videos happen. Second, get my ACE certification so he can get qualified to teach fitness at an even more professional level. Third, do a foreign trip with his family this year – it will make them very happy!

All it took was two questions and his energy had completely changed from low to high, by the time I finished asking him to reflect on the past year and tell me what he wanted to manifest in the next year. After a few moments, he said ‘thank you for asking me. Had you not asked I may not have realized and accepted how far I had come. Now I see how my last year was a good one.’

Those who know me, know that I love to ask such questions to watch the instant shift people experience as a result. Why I do it? Well, I believe we need to give credit to ourselves every now and then. After all, the battles we fight, the choices we make and the actions we take shape us into who we are. A few questions help open up that energy of appreciation inside oneself and to me that is the true fuel we need to propel forward on our paths of setting and achieving more life goals. The fuel of inspiration!

The other big advantage is, when people experience their energy soar higher, their emotional bodies are glowing, and their mind is happy and excited. This is the perfect vibration to be at – to set goals for the next year. Setting goals is not only about the mechanics of it all. Whether or not you are going to achieve those goals depends a lot on the energy level from which you set them and also decides the kind of work you are going to put in towards their achievement. You could grumpily go after your life goals, or go about making them come true like a child – being full of energy and possibility. Either way, it is your choice.

Ask these two questions to at least 10 people you meet this week and help them set higher goals for the new year! The two questions are:
1. List the top 3 things that stood for you in the last year. Write them down!
2.What 3 things will need to happen in the new year, for you to call it an awesome one? Write this down too!*

Happy new times!


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